Conference Speaking:
I will tailor presentations to your audience of health care professionals, patients or consumers with clear and information-rich supporting materials.
Sample nutrition topics:
Cancers – treatment, post-treatment and prevention
Gastrointestinal disorders
Effects of the food system: genetically modified foods, pesticides, additives, processing
Food allergies and intolerances
Infant and toddler food introduction, preventing allergies and obesity
Meal planning, shopping and preparation strategies
Popular diets (anti-inflammatory, paleo, low-carbohydrate, etc.)
Travel expenses negotiable depending on location and timing. Discounted rates to schools and nonprofit organizations.
I am speaking at the Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (WSAND) and Oregon Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2016 Educational Conference in Vancouver, WA on April 17-19. My topic is “What’s the Harm in Genetically Engineered Foods?”

I am available to write a range of articles from white papers, newsletter articles, magazine or online content.
Price dependent upon length, depth and turnaround time required.